Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Cathy made me do it. Yes, she did. It's all her fault. Mommy, I don't want to exercise! Whine/Whine. Yep, Ms Sippi, I broke out the old treadmill and walked for 31 minutes this afternoon. I hereby try to promise to try to walk 15 minutes every morning to get my metabolism kicked into high gear and at least 20 minutes in the afternoons. Are you happy now? Huh? Is that enough for you? And BTW, I've lost 4 lbs, also. I'm already on the Calorie Count site and it's great. Don't pout when I tell you I can consume 1928 calories/day. Of course, my daily life is significantly different.

I'd love the water aerobics, but with the challenges I have, the treadmill will have to be my pal. It's a really good time to pray and sing praise songs. This afternoon as I was breathing in through my nose & out through my mouth, it occurred to me that I could inhale the Holy Spirit and exhale my sins. When I started naming them specifically it took me all of the 31 minutes and I still wasn't finished. And that's just today's sins. You know, dear friend, I'm really glad to have been inspired by you. Let's get healthy together!

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

My gosh, LaRue, you must be living a terribly exciting life to have so many sins to confess. ;) The Episcopalian version of this breathing in and out is exhaling "less desirable qualities" and breathing in the "more desirable qualities." We only confess sins on Sunday.

Congratulations on the 4 lbs! Keep up the good work!