Wednesday, February 28, 2007


It’s exciting. It’s frightening. None of us embrace it wholeheartedly, but some deal better than others. Change for the sake of change is not necessarily good. But some change refreshes us – keeps us on our toes.

Why am I thinking about change? Well, for one thing, Toyota is coming to Blue Springs. Over the next several years residents in this area can expect a lot of change. Folks who live on or near the development site will have to relocate. This may include Kevin’s parents. Building or buying a new house is probably exciting, but leaving property that’s been in your family a long time can be “saddening”. And having a company the likes of Toyota in the area will drive labor costs up for the rest of us – not something a non-profit business like ours can tolerate very well. Here’s hoping the benefits outweigh the problems.

Then there’s the change of family dynamics. Marcus, Laurie’s one-year old son, must be wondering when the intruder will leave. He’s been an unhappy little boy for a few days. This happens in most families as more children are added to the mix, but you have to feel a twinge of pity for him as he tries, at his young age, to adapt to little sister. It will be OK, Marcus. We all love you as much as ever and you’ll still get plenty of attention.

Another change comes w/ new jobs. Looks like Molly & Kevin will be headed to Memphis in June after he completes his Master’s. I was so hoping they’d be closer to us, but it’s a good opportunity for them and it’s not that far away. New jobs, new house, new church – lots of new.

Sometimes I wish God would spread out the plans He has for us so we can be prepared. Then I realize that would more than likely scare me to death. There’s a reason He gives us one moment at a time. Thank You, Father, for change and for the resources You give us to deal with it. Give us a mind and heart that are undivided, focusing fully on You in all things.

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