Saturday, February 17, 2007

Our Newest Little Beauty

Marlee K
10 lbs / 6 oz
20-1/2" long

Mama, daughter & daddy are all doing well. This is #4 for them, so they have it down to a science. Laurie is the woman that all other women hate. After a drop 'o 'tus it took Laurie 3 hours to go from 4 centimeters to 6 (which she slept through). Then it took her 20 minutes to go from 6 to 10. Off to the races. She started pushing at 12:29, gave 3 practice pushes, gave 5 real pushes and at 12:38 (yes, 9 minutes) Marlee K made her appearance.

Isn't she a little beauty! It was such an exciting day; this is grand #6, but their birthdays are still exciting - every single one. Molly stayed in the delivery room just 'cause Laurie wanted her to. Since Laurie has easy deliveries & since Molly doesn't have children yet, it wasn't a traumatic event for her. Katey & I were in the waiting room and Carolyn got there just in time to go in as son as Marlee was born.

Will she be musically inclined like her mom, dad and older brother? Only time till tell, but she seems to be singing a tune in the picture below. Terry & I went back to the hospital last night to see her for a few minutes. She wasn't a happy camper then because her formula wouldn't stay down. Laurie asked that they give her regular formula instead of the extra lipid kind. Her other children couldn't tolerate that extra, either. Stay tuned for more pics.

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