Monday, February 19, 2007

Old friends. Old memories. When I stated my name to the lady who answered the phone at the local florist, her response told me she knew me and that I should know her. I said, “Who is this?” SANDY S, and she’s the one who delivered the hospital door hanger. We were able to talk a while and catch up on kids: Christy married w/ one child and Yo-Yo married & wanting kids. BTW, Cathy, she said tell you hello.

I didn’t have a lot of time to think right then (new grandbaby syndrome), but the memories would flood back later – both the good & the bad. It was a transitional time (read difficult) at FBC P’ville. I know I made some bad choices then and so did some others. Maturity didn’t seem to help, either. Some of the older members made some bad decisions as well. I often wonder how much of a contributing factor my attitude & actions played in what that church is today. Believe me, I don’t think I hold a lot of power – then or now – but we often don’t realize how the smallest action can affect our sphere of influence. I can only pray that I didn’t do too much damage. And, no, that’s not arrogance; it’s a sense of guilt that’s plagued me for years.

And, yes, there were some great times: choir, Cecil’s park, kids’ softball, eating out after church and many other things. We developed some lasting friendships, helped each other w/ kids and learned a lot about life (mostly from our mistakes). I’m going to search my heart for any harm I might have done during that time and I’m going to pick out the really good memories to hold on to.

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

There are dear, dear people in/from that church and 95% of my memories of them are precious. I will always be thankful for the lessons learned there, the solid foundation that was laid to build my faith on.

"Now we see through a glass darkly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then shall I know even as I am known."