Saturday, January 20, 2007

Happy Birthday, Katey!

It’s hard to believe you’re 34 years old today. I remember your birthday as if it was yesterday. Dr. Bourland told me at a regular office visit that he’d see me within the next 24 hours; to go home, get a bath, pack my bags and be ready. (He didn’t mention that I should wash my hair, but naturally, I had to do that, too.) The pains started as minor discomforts, and it’s a good thing; Terry wanted to watch Johnny Carson before we went to the hospital. The pains were 3 minutes apart by the time we got to CrossTown. All three of our girls were very good to their mom, making their appearances within 4 hours. Thanks, Sweeties.

Loving Heavenly Father, thank You so much for our firstborn; for the infant with a mop of dark brown curls; for the persistent 4-year old who wouldn’t quit until she learned “Peter Piper picked a peck of pickled peppers”; for the 11-year old who wanted to sing in the church play even though she’d just broken her collarbone in a wreck; for the much-too-young 16-year old who went off to college for the summer at UnionU; for the beautiful bride; for the caring teacher; for the loving mom who went through so much to have children of her own; for the dedicated youth minister who cares so much. Thank You for the lovely young lady who loves and serves You and makes her mom & dad proud in the process. Amen

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

Happy Birthday, Katey! I don't remember your birth, but I do remember most of your childhood. You were one of my favorites! Hugs and kisses to you and yours!