Monday, January 29, 2007

Abraham – giant of a man, friend of God, obedient, faithful. But his life was a rollercoaster of obedience, sin, repentance, victory, obedience, sin, repentance, victory. We sometimes forget that the people in the Bible were mostly ordinary folks in whom God did an extraordinary work. That gives me great comfort and great hope for my life.

Maybe that’s why I’m drawn to the Old Testament and its cast of characters. I believe that the people in the Bible are real people, not just figments of someone’s overactive imagination used to prove a point or teach a lesson.

As much as I’ve read God’s Word (can you ever get enough?) it still draws me back again and again. It truly is alive and active. Did you learn the story of Joseph and his jealous brothers when you were a kid in Sunday school? Me, too. But one night I was reading in Genesis and I couldn’t put it down until I’d read the whole story. I knew the ending, but I cried anyway when Joseph died. Don’t you think we have a spirit-attachment to these OT people, an attachment that surpasses the bounds of understanding?

Do we hold our breath w/ Moses as we see the Back of God? Do we stand w/ Abraham looking into an unknown future and believe anyway? Do we smile when the donkey talks to Balaam & laugh out loud when Balaam talks back? Do we feel the salt spray and wind on Peter’s face or the dust under Paul’s calloused feet? Is it true, this Love Letter from our Heavenly Father? YES, ABSOLUTELY !!

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