Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Oh, blessed rain! Yesterday the sun was shining; the temperature was balmy; the breeze was gentle. My head was congested; my eyes were watering; my nose was itching. How can such a nice day make me so miserable? Benadryl came to the rescue, and the rain sprinkles today are helping. Whew! Allergy season.

While I don’t subscribe to the Global Warming fad, (thanks Ed. I couldn’t think what to call it.) I do believe we are contributing to our own problems that cause allergies and other illnesses. If you want a new perspective on “Going Green” click here and scroll down to Ed’s piece on the Academy Awards event. His points would be hilarious if they didn’t point out a raw truth: The folks who are on the “Green” bandwagon are the ones who contribute the most pollutants. How dare they point a blaming finger at me!

Science can be used to prove anything; and disprove anything. I tend to lean more to the belief that our environment cycles and that what we are calling Global Warming is just part of the cycle. Decades from now, it will probably cycle back to a friendlier environment. History seems to support this. And some not-so-conservative scientists are telling Al Gore not to be such an alarmist, that his documentary includes some questionable “facts”.

Should we just keep polluting our environment in the belief that it will cycle back? No, absolutely not! I, for one, believe we are cutting down too many trees. And our selfishness with energy resources will cause long-term harm. There are things we can do to protect our environment, but we need to keep it in perspective. If we become stewards of the planet God gave us, treating it as He intended, things will definitely get better. Will we do that? I doubt it. If the Hollywood-types are our example, we’re in trouble. Their’s is a case of “Do as I say, not as I do.”

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