Tuesday, January 8, 2008

A trip to the optometrist and ophthalmologist yesterday netted no good news. The double vision I’m experiencing when trying to read is caused by the RP and will not get better. Surely no one likes all the lights they shine in your eyes; for a person w/ RP it’s a nightmare. Big, bad headache. And to make the headache worse, I had to pay $416 just for lenses for two pairs of computer glasses. Merry Christmas, LaRue.

On a happier note…we got a picture of the whole clan Christmas Day. Aren’t we a blessed bunch!

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

Great picture, but where's the dog? Oh, I know, Tip is taking the picture, right?

Sorry to hear about your most recent eye problems. I'm glad they have glasses that help.