Sunday, January 13, 2008

Dire straits...People are concerned about the presidential election. People are concerned about peace in the Middle East. Mississippi people are concerned about the special congressional races. Me? I'm worried about a cut & color.

That's right. My sister-in-law, Betty, has taken care of these naturally curly locks since we married brothers oh so many years ago. I just don't trust anyone else to do it. She knows just how to cut this curly hair to make it manageable; and when the gray started sticking out every which way, she said, "It's time to start coloring this hair to give it some conditioning." I listen to her. If she says it needs to be done, it gets done.

The problem? On Tuesday before Thanksgiving Betty was playing outside with her grandson, stepped in a hole and suffered a spiral fracture to a major bone in her ankle. The nature of the fracture has necessitated a long recovery. In fact, she's still home, in a cast, unable to put much weight on that foot. Walking cast? It ain't gonna happen. Poor Betty. In pain, very uncomfortable, inconvenienced, confined, loss of income. But enough about her. What about me? I need a cut & color.

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