Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The Kindle is coming! The Kindle is coming! They kept pushing the shipping date back as late as end of year, but I got notice today that it shipped and should arrive tomorrow. Can you guess how excited I am?!! Calm down. Remember, expectations sometimes exceed reality. You can bet I'll let everyone know if it works for me.

My first purchase for the Kindle was the New International Version of the Bible. My second choice, really, but the New American Standard Bible is not yet available in Kindle format. And, yes, I've already written to the Locman Foundation asking them to partner w/ Amazon to make the NASB available. I already have an extensive list of books I want to read, so restraining myself from such easy purchases will be a challenge. Can you say NO?

A trip to the ophthalmalogist yesterday resulted in a horrendous headache. In order to see the backs of my eyes to make sure nothing strange is going on, he had to shine lots of lights back there. Not fun. I don't have diabetes and there doesn't appear to be a brain tumor, so here's what's going on (he thinks): The vision in my left eye has worsened over the last couple of months and my brain (gee, aren't you glad to know I have one?) is refusing to connect info from my left eye with info from my right eye. Poor brain! I thought there was smoke coming out of my ears the other day.

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

I hope the Kindle meets your needs. Nothing would make me happier. cjg