Sunday, October 24, 2010

It's been a while - about 2 years - since I've posted here. First was the move to xanga; then the move to Facebook. fb is the fast-food of networking, but I've felt the need lately to write in more detail about my daily life. A few friends and family might be interested enough to read occasionally, but that's okay.

A lot has happened in 2 years. Terry & I have another grandson - Harris. He's our miracle baby and his mommy is a walking miracle, too, after a harrowing Easter Sunday afternoon birth. We're thankful every day to have both of them with us. Another momentous event (2 of them, actually) is reconnecting with dear friends from high school. We got together in October '09 and again in October this year. We're going to make it a more regular meeting and try to include some others.

One more thing that has happened, and probably the reason I feel the need to post here, is the rapid decrease in my visual acuity. Over the last 2 years I've lost more peripheral and central vision. And recently there have been several times when everything has gone very dim. It won't surprise you if I say this is scary. A friend asked me recently how I kept from getting mad about going blind. As I told her, I got over mad a long time ago; I can still throw a fairly dismal pity party from time to time, but I'm not mad. I believe God is sovereign, working in all events through His directive will or His permissive will. Blindness didn't happen to me without His permission so I have to believe He has lessons for me to learn through this. No, it's not a pleasant process, and I pray I'll continue to learn the lessons God has for me. And I'll continue to post here occasionally to vent, to praise God and to record what I'm going through.

Truth is, God has graced me with so many wonderful blessings, that it's hard to be mad about one little inconvenience.

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