Friday, April 6, 2007

The Week That Was

Some of you have been wondering where I've been. So have I. Don't get me wrong; I like to stay busy at work, but, whew, this one was a bully-woogger.

As of last Friday, our work in a major department more than doubled. YEA. On Monday morning I had to start interviewing candidates for 5+ new positions. BOO. I'm really thankful for the work, but goodness, interviewing is one of my least favorite things to do.

What can you really know about a person with just a cursory look at an application? First, they're only going to put the good stuff on the app. And in the interview they're going to put their best face on. And when you call former employers for a reference, what good does that do? In this new age of litigation, most employers will only verify that a person did work for them and what dates. Yes, a former employee can sue a former employer if, because of the information they give, the candidate doesn't get a job. Can you say "tort reform"? And did you know that if you work for Wal*Mart and apply for another job, your potential new employer would have to pay at least $13 just to get a verification of employment. Forget it. Who's going to pay that?

Thankfully, I've had some very good candidates this week. Two start on Monday and I'm calling two more in on Monday for drug screens. If you knew how thin we've been stretched for the last 4 months, you'd know that having even just 2 additional folks on Monday will relieve lots of stress and anxiety. Some wise soul said to be a good leader you should surround yourself with very good people. I'm going to give God all the credit for the super group of staff that surrounds me. There've been times in the last few months when it wouldn't have surprised me at all if they'd walked off the job. Thank you, God, for the loyalty, perseverance and stamina of some great unsung heroes....Jack, Glenda, Edna & Terry. What would I do without you!

And through all this I've been fighting terrible allergies. As Terry is so fond of saying, "Did you wake up grouchy this morning? No, I let her sleep late." The temperament of a bear has had nothing on me these last few days.

But you know what's been fun? I've managed to see the girls and some of the kidlettes. Monday Laurie brought Marlee by the plant and they were here when I got home from work. I love it. And Tuesday night Katey, Andy, Katelee & Tucker came for supper and some house-building advise. Mamaw got really busy in the kitchen, whipped out the phone and called Domino's. Shoot, pizza is always a winner w/ my grands. Note to Domino's....when I order cinna stix, please don't send garlic bread.....big difference. Molly & Kevin came by last night on their way home from Memphis. She had an impromptu job interview & they looked at houses (from the outside only). Ah, the redeeming quality of my week...short but wonderful glimpses of my family.

And here's a precious memory...

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

Glad you're back to blogging, I've missed you. I loved the art work, looks like some of the stuff my inner child has done lately. Hope you and yours have a Happy Easter.