Saturday, June 21, 2008

It’s been an emotional week. I’ve had two large projects with a 6/20 deadline that threatened my sanity. Not one to procrastinate, the tendency on these two projects caught me completely off guard. Mine wasn’t a “drop-dead” timeline, but I was strongly encouraged to get it done. I’ll be sending off a large package Monday & finishing the rest this coming week. In my own defense, the procrastination stemmed from lack of resources – people, information, direction. Oh well, it’s almost over and I’ll find out soon enough what “they” think of my work.

An employee has been very sick – in hospital last week & then again this week. He finally got a diagnosis Wednesday and had surgery Thursday. Ramon is a lovable teddy-bear of a man and we’ve been very worried about him.

Carter & Laurie were going w/ the church group to the Creation Museum in Kentucky and to the Cincinnati Zoo Thu – Sat. Those plans changed slightly when Marlee Kupcake got very sick. She went to the doctor Tue morning and when she wasn’t doing better Wed morning (in fact, worse) doc told Mommy to bring her in and be prepared to go directly to the hospital. Yep, she was admitted. At first it was precautionary, but then tests revealed salmonella and a severe UTI in a 16-mo old. She didn’t like the IV and hated the blood pressure cuff they put on her ankle. The IV was taken out yesterday morning and she was home before lunch. She’s doing much better but still recovering.

Because of her hospital stay, we weren’t sure about Carter going on the trip, but several parents said they would be glad to take care of him as their own. He spent the night w/ us and we got him to the church early Thu morning. Laurie’s talked to him and some of the adults. He’s having a great time and will be home this afternoon.

In the middle of this I took a vacation day on Tuesday. (use it or loose it) MomaG and I went shopping. TA-DA…I’m down another clothing size. The weight is coming off 2-3 pounds per week and I feel so much better. My yearly physical in August will reveal significant weight loss and I’m hoping better cholesterol and triglyceride numbers. Never one to take vitamins, it’s a necessary part of my routine now, along with a fish oil pill.

Since I don’t usually read the Comcast Cable emails I hadn’t realized until last night that onDemand has finally plugged in Exercise TV. Now I can vary my treadmill time w/ some great cardio workouts. I’m excited. Measurable results when I step on the scale serve to keep me on the straight-and-narrow. Salads, fresh fruits and vegetables, Weight Control oatmeal (which I now swear by) and lots of water have this reformed eater living a much healthier lifestyle.

1 comment:

C J Garrett said...

I am impressed, and I envy your will power.

Sorry to hear about Marlee's illness. Glad she's feeling better.