Friday, May 9, 2008

We really appreciate all who called to check on us yesterday. There's a reason they call it Tornado Alley. Laurie's family got the brunt of it last weekend and yesterday was our turn. It's amazing that an F4 tornado can come through & do surprisingly little damage. Of course, the folks that are having siding & roofs repaired don't think it's so "little". But for the size and strength of the four tornadoes, we really dodged a bullet.

In our neighborhood there are lots of uprooted trees, shingles blown off, siding torn off, portable storage buildings gone and some very fortunate, uninjured people. In the hours after the storm Terry said there were two to three hundred people in our subdivion cleaning up. And that didn't count the sightsee-ers getting in the way.

It was a difficult day for me. If you read my other blog you know I have a wounded heel. The antibiotics are causing some emotional ups & downs. (What's up with that?) And I have the responsibility of keeping 40+ people safe at work with no control over what storms do. And yesterday we had corporate company. All-in-all yesterday was a traumatic day. Only our Heavenly Father could have carried me through it all. I know it wasn't my strength.

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