Saturday, April 2, 2011

They'll Always Be Your Babies

Are you a young mother? Were you ever a young mother? Then you know that feeling of wishing you were sick yourself if it meant your child could be well. You know that feeling of wanting to take the shot or the finger-stick or the bllod-drawing yourself rather than have your baby go through that. Let me tell you - they're always your baby. It doesn't matter if they're 3 or 33, you'll always feel that way. Molly (she'll be 34 in a week) had a medical crisis yesterday. Kevin said when Molly got up yesterday, he heard a muffled scream then a crash. He found her on the floor of the toilet room in the middle of a grand mal seizure. He body was in rigor, eyes fixed, small tremors and drooling. He moved her to the middle of the bathroom, arranged towels around her head, made sure she was breathing and grabbed his phone to call 911. She was unresponsive until the EMTs started moving her to the ambulance. I learned many of the details later, but this is not something a mom wants to hear. After many phone calls Laurie & I were going to the hospital. Katey was going to take me to meet Laurie, but decided she would go, too. I called Mama & she wanted to go, also. Meanwhile, Kevin called back and said the ER doctor had gotten to her quickly and into a CT scan. As soon as they finished the CT, she had another seizure. Having refused anti-seizure meds initially, Kevin gave permission for them to administer by IV. (He had refused until Molly saw a neurologist b/c he didn't want them treating what they didn't know.) But he knew after the 2nd one that they needed to prevent it happening again in such short order. Yesterday they did the CT scan, EEG & MRI and she saw the hospitalist. I was very impressed with her - a no-nonsense doctor who said emphatically, "We want to find out what happened to you and why it happened." She came back in today and is ordering physical therapy for the soreness in Molly's neck, shoulders, back and legs. This is probably due to the fall and being in rigor for about 10 minutes 2 separate times. The neuro- nurse came in and asked a lot of questions and said the neurologist would be there in a few hours. Both the doctor & nurse implied she would be in hospital again tonight for observation. Oh, I forgot to mention her heart rate went to 180 for several minutes, so she's on a heart monitor. We are so grateful for prayer warrior friends, prayer warrior church staffs (Southwoods, Belden, Parkway & others) and prayer warrior family members. What a blessing to know Molly's name was so constantly going up to the Great Physician!! We are also grateful for compassionate, skilled medical professionals who continue to take care of her. I'm grateful for a dear friend who lives in Molly's area and has made herself available to help in any way they need. Is it not an amazing thing to see, hear and feel God's people being God's people in times of need !! So as I said, this is scary stuff for a mom whose baby isn't feeling well. It doesn't matter that she's almost 34 years old. She'll always be my baby, as will her 38yo sister and her 36yo sister.

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