Thursday, July 19, 2007

“…let them not look at God through difficulties, as we see the sun shorn of splendor through a fog; but let them look at difficulties through God. Let them put God between themselves and the disasters which threaten them. Let them cast the whole responsibility upon Him. Has He not thus brought you into difficulties, that He may have an opportunity of strengthening your faith, by giving some unexampled proof of His power? Wait only on the Lord, trust also in Him: His name is Jehovah-jireh; He will provide.” Abraham, or the Obedience of Faith by F.B. Meyer

It’s not a disaster that I face, but an uncertain time at work. There are some personnel issues that are plaguing me now and the deep breathing is not quite enough to decrease the stress level. But I can depend on God to show up and prove His transcendent power.

And while I’m waiting…..Think of family. Think of friends. Think of mountains and gurgling brooks. Think of baby kisses and husband hugs. See! My blood pressure is going down already.

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