Friday, April 4, 2008

There is life outside work. I know there is; I just can’t seem to find it. Now that Glenda is back at work maybe those hours will level out and I can actually do a few things when I get home instead of dropping into the recliner for a hour or so, then going to bed with the chickens. Nah….I’ll always go to bed with the chickens.

Glenda is doing great after her surgery. She's lost weight and STOPPED SMOKING!!

Of major import: Tucker will be baptized Sunday. glory!! The entire extended family is going to Parkway for that milestone event, then we’re all going out to eat for Molly’s & Aaron’s April birthdays. There are so many of us now that we have at least one & sometimes two or three special events to celebrate each month. Fun! Fun!

Friend Cathy has insulted me yet again ~smiles~ by generalizing that many Republicans are a dishonest lot, doing the cross-over voting thing to spoil the Dems’ chances. Come on, Sweetie. Surely you’ve said that Reps are not very smart; could we even figure that out? You can’t have it both ways.

Sorry to disappoint, but in the general election they’re going to let me vote for whomever I please. Here you'll find: “A voter who votes in the primary of one party may not "crossover" to vote in the run-off of another party…The general election ballot contains the names of the party nominees, plus any independent or third party candidates who have qualified.”

It’s our differences that I love!!